Speed and Motivation with Courtney Keys topped off our Fall Workshops

Lance and Magic
We were very fortunate to have more sunny and cool weather to finish off the That’s My Super Dog Fall Workshop Series. Starting out, Courtney demonstrated, then directed while each of us worked through an exercise that helps motivate our dog to go faster and ahead. All of our teams grasp the concept quickly. Next, we took turns at some obstacle focus exercises and sending our dog ahead when you don’t have a helper.
Obviously, things like motivation and speed are going to require more than one session of work. But with continued practice and reinforcement, I know this group has a successful agility future in store for them.
It was fun enjoying lovely weather learning new skills.
I hope everyone attending learned something new and helpful to use in their training sessions. In each of these workshops, we learned how to break down the process to a starting point with smaller incremental steps. Instead of rushing forward in training, it is important to provide the support your dog needs at the beginning. You will have greater success later if you can help your dog grasp the concept of speed, working away, and direction before you even start to worry about obstacle performance. The use of the clicker and rewards are invaluable for teaching and I was enlightened by possible applications that had never occurred to me.
Looking forward to the future.
Be sure to let me know if you are wanting any particular subject with future workshops: Contact Me. I hope to see you all happy, healthy, fast and motivated at the Startline!
Check out some photos below.